
Saturday, 30 November 2013

The start of the beginning….

Sounds like I've gone through some kind of life-changing moment and have decided to start a new, doesn't it? Nope…nope…same old life, same old me. Except that when i actually registered this blogsite two years ago, i was a mummy of one. Now I am a mummy of two. For those who are wondering who I am ( and I am sure a lot of you are wondering), i am a working mother, the only daughter, thus making  me the only sister; a long-distance wife (more like the lonely wife, my senior work colleague once pointedly said), and a humble civil servant.

I live in one of the many suburbs which surround the capital city of Malaysia. Hot and humid and congested. My family and I live in the family home which is bursting at it's seams with memories. Books and magazines, faded childhood photographs ,old textbooks and report cards. Everything tucked away somewhere or the other. Most of the time unused and forgotten, then unearthed during spring cleaning only to be carefully placed away instead of discarded.

I'd been toying with the idea of blogging for ages but have never quite gotten the initiative to start one. Laziness, lack of time, other pressing commitments and engagements are the usual excuses. Yup, you'd have heard these a gazillion times. I love writing, I do. Well, that should actually be loved. Somewhere between now and my teenage years my creative juices stopped flowing and the only writing i did were the numerous essays for exams. How boringly exciting. But the itch to write again developed when i started reading the hundreds of beauty blogs that are floating around in cyberspace. It was amazing to read hundreds of thoughts on makeup, and skincare,  and tips and tricks. Some are good, some are bad, some you could sense that the author might not really know what he or she was talking about.

This isn't a beauty blog, mind you. Well, maybe snippets here and there. Mainly, I'm writing to let loose the thoughts squished inside my head. A place to release my mind.

I hope you will enjoy.

Jo March.